Monday, October 28, 2013

[SHOCKING]: A Man Burns His Bible Saying That Would Free Him From A Homosexual Demon

Jamell Anderson is being held at the Oklahoma county prison after he went ballistic, burning a Bible at his home, ripping his door off the hinges and pouring salt and soap all over his bloody body, complaining of a homosexual demon.

The police officers had to use a sledgehammer in order to bust open the door of Anderson's house.

When they finally burst through they saw the walls were all in blood, bleach and other ‘substances’.

Anderson told the police to throw down their weapons so he could fist fight him. In the smoke hanging in the apartment, officers shot the man with tasers, which Anderson ripped out and screamed that they would have no effect on him.

Later the accused man said to the officers that he was possessed by a‘homosexual demon’.

Officers subdued him, putting out the bible that Anderson had set on fire.

When he finally came to his senses he told the police that he “wasn’t gay, just high”.

According to the police, the man later made a confession: if he had a gun he would have killed his neighbors and shot the police when they arrived.

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