Thursday, August 22, 2013

[PHOTO]: Gold Apple MacBook For $30,000


If you ever got in the mood of buying a real gold with diamonds computer but had a problem finding one, there is no need to worry anymore, those jewelry adorned computers are no up for sale, according to video uploaded to the internet.

A company specializing in extra-expensive remakes of various gadgets, has once again adorned an Apple MacBook with gold and diamonds.

While the company's original MacBook remake was pretty simple in appearance, except for the fact that it was made of gold, the latest version has a custom design on the 24 carat gold plates and the Apple logo is studded with diamonds.

The details about the product was made public and a company has now offered the gold and diamonds MacBook for same in several sizes, 13, 15 and 17 inches, so it's safe to assume that the new customizable golden MacBook is available with specifications to your choosing.

The computer will cost just $30,000, very cheap if compared to other custom high prices diamond computers. A gold iPad, created by a U.K.-based luxury gadget designer, sold for $189,000.

Na wa oh.... Now I'm thinking far lol

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