Friday, August 30, 2013

Housemates Of The Mtn Project Fame Show Visit Beat 99.9 FM Studio


Another eventful day for the contestants as all of them being on probation went out to canvass for votes at the Beat99.9FM. They did the songs they performed on Sunday and also a group piece and they all sounded on point with their songs.

Later on, Uncle Ben’s class was hot as usual, he asked Blessing and Simon to walk out of his class when they were not getting their songs right, so also was Nancy and Roland who had issues rehearsing their songs….Uncle Ben had to allow them come back in to the class when he noticed they all had one issue or the other with their songs.

He gave them a 24-hour ultimatum to learn each other’s duets because a group might lose a partner at the elimination show and may have to perform a different song with a new partner. He ordered them to stay in the music room and fix their songs and then left them in peace for another day.

For the contestants to continue in the Academy, their fate lies in your hands. Simply text their unique numbers only to 306 if you are in Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone, 1745 if you are in Ghana.

Remember as you Vote for your favourite you stand the chance of winning a Hyundai Accent if you have the highest votes this season.

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